We provide training service to the University of Maryland, industry, federal labs and numerous academic institutions.

  • Basic Training: Standard operation and calibration of the microscope is covered in detail. Users should bring a sample to the training session to practice on as part of the training. The training might take up to 3 hours. After training the user should demonstrate that he can run the instrument independently.
  • Advanced Training: Mapping capabilities are covered in detail. At least 5 hours must be logged on the instrument before advanced training may be taken.
  • Internal users can request cardkey access to room 0508 and/or the Chemistry building.

Basic training scheduling

Follow the instructions to complete

1. Register to become a NanoCenter and SAC user.

2. Please watch this excellent video from Horiba before training.

3. Please fill out this form to request training, we will respond ASAP to schedule training with you.

SAC Instrument Training
0% Complete
1 of 2
Type of user
For lab access
Principal Investigator
Principal Investigator
A copy of this form will be sent to your PI
Please select your department
External user type