The Surface Analysis Center houses state of the art instrumentation for X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy measurements.
Both internal and external users can either submit samples for analysis or train to use the XPS as an independent user.
Complex data analysis services are also available on a collaborative basis or for a fee. Remote operation for trained users is also an option we are currently developing. More details about our instruments and their capabilities can be found below.
Kratos Axis Supra+ X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer

The Supra+ was installed in May 2023 and is currently the newest addition to the SAC. This instrument brings new capabilities to the lab including hard x-rays and cluster depth profiling as well as powerful imaging capabilities. In addition to XPS the instrument also has additional techniques and capabilities including UPS, AES, SEM/SAM, REELS, ISS and a gas reaction cell. Click here for more details on the additional Capabilities. COMING SOON -training will be available for this Instrument.
Instrument Details
- Monochromatic Al kα /Ag Lα x-ray source
- Dual Al kα/Mg kα x-ray source
- Gas Cluster Ion source
- Monoatomic Ar +
- Range of clusters sizes available up to Ar3000+
- Angle resolved XPS (ARXPS)
- UPS He (I), He(II)
- Field emission electron gun for AES, SAM/SEM, REELS
- ISS (ion scattering spectroscopy)
- Charge neutralization
- Multi contact stage for in-situ electrochemistry
- Air sensitive sample holders
- Reactive gas cell for heating in various gases
- Azimuthal sample stage for sputtering rough samples
- Remote operation
- Sample magazine holds 3 sample holders
- Highly automated
Kratos Axis 165 X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer

This XPS was installed in 2003 but is still in great working order. This instrument assists in keeping up with the demand for XPS and can be used for urgent samples when the Supra+ is fully booked. Training for this instrument is not offered all samples will be run via sample submission.
Instrument Details
- Monochromatic Al kα x-ray source
- Dual Al kα/Mg kα x-ray source
- Angle resolved XPS (ARXPS)
- Monoatamic Ar+ sputtering
- Charge neutralization
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Full Service Sample Submission